Please see the attached notice regarding a ransomware attack affecting Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse partner of one of North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's vendors.  While at this time North Shore & Brookline Endodontics is not aware that any patient information concerning North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's patients has been compromised, the attached notice contains important information regarding this incident and steps you may take if you believe your information was compromised.  Please contact North Shore & Brookline Endodontics if you have any questions or concerns at 617-735-8500.

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Please see the attached notice regarding a ransomware attack affecting Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse partner of one of North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's vendors.  While at this time North Shore & Brookline Endodontics is not aware that any patient information concerning North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's patients has been compromised, the attached notice contains important information regarding this incident and steps you may take if you believe your information was compromised.  Please contact North Shore & Brookline Endodontics if you have any questions or concerns at 617-735-8500.

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Endodontists: Partners in Patient Care

January 31, 2021
a mature patient in a dental chair smiles at the dentist

When your dentist gives you a referral to North Shore & Brookline Endodontics, it’s because you require treatment from a dental professional with specialized training in root canal therapy or other procedures that save a compromised tooth. This referral doesn’t mean your general dentist is no longer providing your dental care; instead, it’s the beginning of a close collaboration between your dentist and our team at NSBENDO.

Why Your Dentist Referred You for Endodontic Care

While some general dentists perform root canals as part of their dental services, others refer all patients in need of root canals to endodontists. Even if your dentist does provide root canals, they may have referred you to our office because you have a complex case. While you might not have expected to be referred to another practice for your dental care, you can feel confident knowing that you’re in the best possible hands for your treatment, as endodontists specialize in saving natural teeth.

Endodontists receive advanced training and education in endodontics after earning their degrees in dentistry. Once they complete their training, their practice focuses solely on endodontic treatment, giving them a level of knowledge and experience unmatched by general dentists, who must provide a wide range of services. Our expertise allows us to work more efficiently, with greater precision, and our specialization means we can more easily accommodate patients who need immediate care.

Endodontic practices also have advanced technology that general dentists don’t typically have access to. These include state-of-the-art microscopes that provide a better view during treatment, fiber optics, CBCT, and ultrasonic tools. This technology yields better treatment results and a more comfortable patient experience.

How Your Endodontist and Dentist Work Together

Your dentist may refer you to NSBENDO for a root canal, endodontic retreatment, endodontic surgery, traumatic dental injury, or diagnosing unexplained dental pain. While we will receive information from your dentist with your referral, we will also conduct our own assessment and take any imaging that is needed.

If you are referred to our practice for a root canal, we will perform your endodontic treatment at NSBENDO, then send a full report of your procedure via mail or email to your general dentist. After your root canal, you will need to return to your dentist within 1 to 2 weeks to have a permanent restoration placed in order to restore your tooth structure. Failing to do so may result in re-infection of the root canal or the loss of your tooth.

Although your dentist will identify any issues with your restoration during your regular biannual oral evaluation appointments, we will also schedule an appointment with you a year from your treatment date to evaluate the outcome of your root canal and ensure that no further endodontic care is needed.

Learn More About Endodontic Treatment

If you have questions about coordinating care between your general dentist and NSBENDO, contact us today at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations and one of our team members will be happy to provide assistance.

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