Please see the attached notice regarding a ransomware attack affecting Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse partner of one of North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's vendors.  While at this time North Shore & Brookline Endodontics is not aware that any patient information concerning North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's patients has been compromised, the attached notice contains important information regarding this incident and steps you may take if you believe your information was compromised.  Please contact North Shore & Brookline Endodontics if you have any questions or concerns at 617-735-8500.

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Please see the attached notice regarding a ransomware attack affecting Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse partner of one of North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's vendors.  While at this time North Shore & Brookline Endodontics is not aware that any patient information concerning North Shore & Brookline Endodontics's patients has been compromised, the attached notice contains important information regarding this incident and steps you may take if you believe your information was compromised.  Please contact North Shore & Brookline Endodontics if you have any questions or concerns at 617-735-8500.

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Position on Delta Dental

March 15, 2017
facebook image share Dr.Shah interviewed for Spring 2014 AAE Focus Newsletter
Position on new Delta Dental DMIC:

We wish to inform dentists with whom we have a referral relationship that we have chosen to not participate in the new for profit Delta Dental, DMIC (DSM Massachusetts Insurance Company, Inc).  We have made this decision independently and with no collaboration with any other parties.

The purpose of this email is to clearly state how we believe this action affects patients with Delta Dental Service of Massachusetts insurance coverage.

We believe it has no effect on any patient who now has Delta Dental Insurance. We are under contract with Delta Dental Service of Massachusetts and have been for years.  Those contracts are continuing.

The proposed new DMIC PPO plan has yet to be approved and yet to be sold to employers. There are currently no patients who have this plan.

Therefore, we wish to emphasize to the dentists who trust their patients to our care for Endodontics that they can continue to refer their patients with Delta Insurance to our practice with confidence as we will continue to honor our contract to provide services to them.

Should you have an comments or questions about this, please contact our practice manager, Michele Whitley, or one of our doctors directly.  We are happy to discuss this decision with you.

Michele Whitley, (978) 532-4125,

The Doctors of NSBENDO

For information provided by DD of MA, please click this link: Delta Dental Follow-up Letter, 01/10/2017

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